Christopher Lloyd Clarke, B.SC, MSC.D
creating music
Christopher has been creating music since 1997. Coincidentally this was the same year that he also began to practice meditation. Meditation and music composition quickly became two of the most integral aspects of Christopher’s life, each activity complementing the other synergistically.
Over the years, Christopher’s experience with meditation coupled with his ongoing involvement with a global network of healers and therapists has given him a very deep insight into how to create music that encourages deep relaxation and natural healing.
around the world
Through his music licensing company, Enlightened Audio, Christopher collaborates with professional meditation teachers, therapists and healers around the world, providing them with background music to create recordings and videos that help people with stress relief, natural healing, spiritual growth, mental health and so on. It is through this type of collaboration that Christopher’s music has had the greatest impact. In his own words…